Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tropical Fruits

We were walking around this mall called Fashion Island, which I have no idea why because they don't sell fashion clothes or anything, I usually just go there for food. I saw some fruits I like here...These are rambutans, I'm sure a lot of people have tried these. The fruits kinda tight, the seeds are annoying as hell though, because the wooden parts of the seeds always stick to the fruit. They aren't fun to chew on either.
These taste so good but the peeling part is a pain in the ass. The fruit inside are in cloves. Each clove have a seed in the middle. These are kinda sour and sweet, the seeds are kinda see through and mushy/soft.I think these are star fruits. They are kinda sour and sweet. I'm not really a big fan of the texture though.
I have no idea what these are called in English but they call them Noi Na here... I hate these. You pull each piece of the peel and the texture inside is mushy and seedy.. that means there's gazillion seeds inside. They are solid and black. I really don't like the taste and the smell of this fruit. They taste like you are chewing on fruit that exfoliates your tongue or something.
These are totally random but right next to the fruit stand, they have these fried dumplings stuffed with eggs right next to the fruits. And they sell other stuff on the skewers... like fish cakes and random crap.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cooking With Mom

We ate in tonight and for dinner today my mom made some Katsu and Eggs. Totally random but I guess she just makes whatever that's around the house.
I'm not really a fan of pork but these are pretty delicious. These are Japanese breaded pork, they call them Katsu in Japanese.
I have no idea how to describe these. These are beaten eggs deep fried, this is what it would look like. It's tasted alright with hot sauce. I'm not really a fan of this dish.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cafe 69

Tonight we went out to Cafe 69, NO IT'S NOT A WHOREHOUSE. They sell coffee in the morning and at night after 5 they serve alcohol and hookah. They also make food here too. Surprisingly they have really good fries and nuggets here.
We ordered us two things of hookah and 2 pitchers of frozen whiskey.
They basically taste like slurpee but this gets you so messed up. You won't feel it at first because you won't taste the alcohol or smell any. They just taste like fruity slush but it will sneak up on you in the end and it just hits you in the face. Above is the apple flavor. We also ordered lychee flavor one which was soo much better and it tasted madddd good. They had melon, apple, coffee, lychee, strawberry, melon, kiwi.. blah blah.. They are mad serious with flavors here. It's amazing.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Banana Leaves Are For Wrapping

Today my mom bought some sticky rice wrapped in banana leaves today.
They come like this. They wrap the rice inside and the grill it on charcoal whole like this.
then they look like this when you unwrap
Inside is the sticky rice stuffed with purple banana. These are super sweet and tasty. I like these a lot. They usually have different stuffing inside. The corn ones are pretty good too.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Eating Marathon II

and for dinner...
we headed over to this place called Na Tong.
This place is always touristy, mad foreigners here. The setting of this place is totally different, it's got a huge lake in the middle where mad fish are swimming in, then there's a stage in the center for live performers to sing.. and surrounding is open area for people to sit and eat. Everything is outdoor, really breezy and comfortable.For an appetizer I ordered Seafood Salad. This was super spicy, sour, sweet, and salty all at once. Like a standard Thai salad but this was so spicy I couldn't feel my tongue after awhile. It's one of those dishes that you have to keep on eating because it's so spicy. The oysters are off focus but they were bombs. We ordered a whole pot of shrimp Tom Yum soup. This was super super tasty, it came with flame on the bottom and everything. The smell of lemon grass made me want to dive into the soup so I couldn't get a good picture of the soup.
Prawn Cakes, I have no idea how they made these but these totally taste like shrimp, they serve these with sweet sauce, it's the best thing ever. They really do taste better than they look though. 
Charcoal grilled squid/calamari-- it is sooo different to be able to smell the charcoal on the food. It just adds so much to it. This was so delicious.
This was Cashew Chicken, they stir-fried this with fresh peppers, those are the green berry looking things. They are so spicy you aren't supposed to eat them.
These were called Yod Mara or something, I really don't know what they are called in English but these were super delicious. These prawns were sooo tasty, they were soo fresh you can feel the crunch.
For dessert I ordered Coconut Jelly, they give me the whole fruit with coconut jelly inside. This was delicious. I love scraping the coconut pieces off the coconut fruit.

Eating Marathon

Today my parents took Ian and I out to lunch.
For lunch we went to this place called Cho Paga(i think) It's a Thai restaurant, they make pretty good dishes.
We ordered spring rolls for the appetizer but this ended up coming after the entree. The spring rolls has mushrooms, glass noodles, and pork. This was awesome with the sweet sauce they served on the side.
My dad ordered Lad Na, I've gotten this at almost every Thai restaurants in the States but for some reason I've never had a good Lad Na dish. Lad Na is fried rice noodles (wide ones) topped with gravy and vegetables/seafood. This was good here, the noodles were fresh because they didn't stick together and the gravy was just perfect.I ordered this dish called Kua Gai Noodles. I really don't know what that means but I think it's something to do with wide rice noodles fried with chicken. This was just okay, everything else tasted better than this one.
My mom ordered Pad Thai, I didn't even bother trying this one. From the look of the dish, the noodles were mushy and melted together, which means the chef cooked it for too long in very high heat. The noodles just looked wet rather than saucy.Ian ordered Pad Kee Maw aka Drunk Man's Noodles. This was really really good, it was a little spicy, the hotness just kinda crept up on me slowly.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Cooking With Mom

Staying in is usually a good thing here, since I have my mother cooking and teaching me how to make these delicious dishes.
This is a tofu dish that I made often back in NY but my mom makes it more starchy. I thought it was a little too thick and it needed to be more liquidy.
This is one thing in Japan that I would not be caught dead eating. They call them 'Natto' they are fermented Japanese beans. To me this thing smells horrible and tastes horrible. Japanese people totally dig this.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Pizza Company

We had friends over today, so for dinner we ordered some pizza. All pizzas looked crappy except for pizzas from Pizza Company. They offer like gazillion toppings. I think Thai people are just picky and want their money's worth for pizza they order so they always offer tonz of crap on the pizzas.
We ordered spicy chicken topping that came with sausages, onions, green peppers, and mushrooms.and for the second pie, we ordered the sausage topping which came with green peppers, sausages, mushrooms, and ham.
To be honest, the pizzas here were kinda mushy. The toppings don't really go together and I don't think they used real mozzarella cheese. Because when you pull a slice, you won't see cheese getting pulled or stretching or anything. I truly miss some good pizzas from the NY.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ice Cream Bun

Where we live in BKK, all these carts would come into my development/streets and sell random food like noodles, ice cream, groceries, and all kinds of crap. It's interesting how people can buy just about anything without having to leave homes in Thailand. I don't know if people are more lazy here or in NY. Anyway, so I told my brother to grab me the regular chocolate one.

This is what my brother ordered. At first I laughed really hard, now I really don't know why this was funny to me. It's just weird that they serve you ice cream on a bun with sticky rice under. I really don't understand how this is appetizing or how this can be delicious.
The ice cream actually look better than they taste. They weren't very creamy and fattening, which most countries in Asia lack. The ice cream tasted like Breyers ice cream. you know, watery and cheapy. I'm never ordering from them again.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

MK Hot Pot

MK is pretty popular in Thailand. People here loveee the hot pot, or the idea of throwing all the food into one pot and just eating directly from the pot. Here at MK all the food and ingredients they give you are raw. You can order just about anything like fresh vegetables, meat, seafood, noodles, etc.
We ordered these green noodles called 'Jade Noodles' they topped the noodles with garlic. Please note that I did not enhance the color on the noodles, they really are this green. They don't taste like green shit or anything. They just taste like regular noodles with garlic, the texture is a little different though.
Then we ordered grilled duck, usually people eat the jade noodles with duck on top. I tried both and I really didn't like the duck, it was too sweet in my opinion.
For dessert, I ordered shaved ice with red juice. They usually top shaved ice with condensed milk. I immediately dug into the shaved ice without thinking about the cleanliness of shady ice here in Thailand. Luckily I was fine...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Cooking with mom

For dinner today we had sashimi, fried chicken, and mushroom stir-fry.  I was just my mom's assistant in the kitchen.
We shaved white radish for sashimi and sliced salmon and tuna and made them all pretty.
Ok, so last night, I had these delicious friend chicken at my granny's house.. and today, my mom cooked some too, but these were completely different. I'm not bias or anything, but my mom really makes the best chicken. I've watched her cook them, there's no secret ingredients or anything. On top of that, they were all really easy to make. I guess she's just got the magic touch. These mushrooms I thought were totally wild.  We used them for stir-fry. They were really chewy. I wish I knew the name but apparently they don't grow in many areas. 

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Grandma's Visit

Today was my first time seeing my granny in awhile. Everytime I come over she always feels the need to cook enough for the whole Rutgers campus. I'm not really sure why. I mean I do eat a lot but I really don't eat a massive amount or anything. Anyway, she made us fried chicken, Thai papaya salad, and Thai green curry. This chicken was madd good, I really have no idea why, but ALLLL fried chicken in Thailand are amazingly good. Imagine the KFC but 27 times better. Just imagine fried chicken with very thin breading (it's hard because I was used to KFC's 4 inches of tasteless breading) Yeah, I think that's pretty accurate. 
The papaya salad is a traditional dish. I'm honestly not a really big fan but a lot of people are obsessed with this dish. It's 'raw' papaya which means they use papaya when they're still green and solid (rather than yellow and mushy). The papaya gives it a crunchy texture. The salad is sweet, sour, spicy and tangy all in one bite. The sprinkle it with peanuts that I absolutely hate. 
Green curry is one of my favorite dishes. I'm very used to the green curry from the restaurants in NY. All those places use the coconut milk from a can to make curry. My granny makes everything from scratch. She squeezes her own coconut milk, which makes this curry taste completely different from what I'm used to. This was amazing including the exotic vegetables that I've never had in my curry in NY. 

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Eating In

Ever since I was little, my house was always the poppin' spot. My mom always cooked for more than 6 people every night. Even though we only have 4 family members. I always have people over and most of the time, my brothers always have their friends over. For some reason, people really liked staying for dinner at the house. I think it's really because my mom is a sick ass cook. My mum cooked Chinese spinach and Japanese mushrooms with oyster sauce. 

Red Mango

Tomo took us to MBK to shop and we took a break at Red Mango. I've seen Red Mango in NY before but never really felt the need to try it. A lot of people raved about how good it was and how Pink Berry is much better. This was my first time, the frozen yogurt was soooo good. It was delicious. The fruits/toppings were crappy though. The fruits were canned. And they didn't have many selections for topping. It's weird because in NY they wouldn't offer the nata de coco but they would definitely offer fresh strawberries. The topping selections here are totally different, because a lot of fruits they offer are tropical fruits rather than the standard toppings. The yogurt wasn't frozen enough. Right when we got it, it was already melty..  It wasn't even hot inside the mall.
We got the large size that was supposed to be enough for 3 people, I kinda wish it was a little bigger.